
Showing posts from 2018


If the word "single" would be a bottle of water, we would never be thirsty again. Six bottomless, random letters that brings to the surface dozens of meanings, hundreds of theories and thousands of emotions. Two syllables that either gain respect in 2 seconds or push you out of any line. Positive and negative. Insulting or flattering. And behind all of that millions of stories, so alike and different in the same time. Stories of making a choice, being one or not having any. Inspiring, disgusting, thrilling, happy and sometimes just breaking heart. All true. Sometimes too much. I’m not sure about many things in my life, but always was clear about one – I am made as a half to other human being. Felt it under my skin just like rays of sun warms you on sunny day. It started with usual childhood dreams: holding hands, valentines cards and stolen kisses. Bit later came first affection: uncountable texts, freshly baked baguettes delivered between 12 red roses, looking into som